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My Life Is Worth Living!

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My Life Is Worth Living ! Now available as a Talking Book on Audible , Amazon and Itunes.
Physical CD copies are available please
Contact Carol 

Available in Paperback  from 22nd February 2019 and for digital media devices Plus AUDIO VERSION


This often heartbreaking account by Carol, whose son, Paul, was born with many difficulties, including autism, is told with the honesty and sincerity necessary to portray the conflicting emotions faced by any family, and particularly a mother, in such circumstances. The overbearing feelings of guilt, failure and inadequacy have to be resolved to enable a happy life with her family.


When multiple disabilities gradually begin to manifest themselves in Paul, Carol learns how to deal with each trauma individually; discovering that a sense of humour, along with the loyalty and care of her family, is essential, as children with severe difficulties react very differently to others in everyday situations.


Despite everything, there is light at the end of the tunnel, as Paul's bravery and courage to fight through illness and adversity, and become a happy young man despite all his disabilities, make everything else seem to pale into insignificance. If he could speak, he would surely say: "My life is worth living!"

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